Cisco ONS 15501 User Guide
78-14134-02, Release 2.0
Chapter4 Command Reference
To modify the internal case temperatur e alarm mean level, use the settempmean command.
settempmean mean
Syntax Description
Defaults 30° C
Command Types Changes configuration
Command Modes Master password protecte d
Command History
Usage Guidelines The internal case temperature mean is measured in degr ees Celsius. See Table 1-2 on page1-2 for the
minimum and maximum values. If the value falls outside the accept able range, the command will be
ignored and there will be no side effect.
Examples The following example shows how to modify the internal case temperature alarm mean level.
edfa > settempmean 29.00
Related Commands
mean Specifies the desired internal case temperature alarm mean level.
Release Modification
EDFA 1.0 This command was introduced.
Command Description
resetmeantrig Resets the signal gain and alarm mea n level, gain alarm trigger level, optical
input alarm mean level, optical input alarm trigger level, output signal alarm
mean level, output signal alarm trigger level, inter nal case temperature
alarm mean level, and internal ca se temperature alarm trigger level to the
manufacturers default setting s.
settemptrig Sets the internal case temperatur e alarm trigger level.
temp Displays the internal case temperature level.
tempmean Displays the internal case tempera ture alarm mean level.
temptrig Displays the internal case temperature alarm trigger level.