Chapter3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM
Working with Signaling Points
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
To poll one or more nodes, removing and then rediscovering all associated
linksets, use one of the following procedures:
Select one or more nodes in a window, then select Edit > Poll Nodes > Clean
Poll in the SGM Main Menu. SGM polls all selected ITP nodes.
Select one or more linksets in a window, then select Edit > Poll Nodes >
Clean Poll in the SGM Main Menu. SGM polls all primary and adjacent ITP
nodes associated with the selected linksets.
Select an ITP node or adjacent node in the Details Window, then select Edit
> Poll Nodes > Clean Poll in the SGM Main Menu. SGM polls that node.
Select a linkset or link in the Details Window, then select Edit > Poll Nodes
> Clean Poll in the SGM Main Menu. SGM polls the ITP node and adjacent
node associated with the linkset or link.
Right-click an ITP node in a window, then select Poll Node > Clean Poll in
the right-click menu. SGM polls the node.
Clean Poll removes all associated linksets before polling the nodes.

Excluding a Node from a View

To exclude a node from the current view, right-click the node in a window, then
select Exclude from View in the right-click menu. SGM excludes the node from
the current view. See the “Creating a View” section on page3-27 for more
information about excluding nodes from views.
Working with Signaling Points
SGM enables you to view information about all discovered signaling points,
including their associated nodes, status, and other important information.
Note In a multi-instance network, the signaling point name has the format
In a multi-instance network, SGM does not display signaling points that are only
partly configured (that is, the variant and network name are configured, but not
the primary point code).