Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) Version 2.1 User’s Guide
General Group Information 111
DNS and WINS Configuration 112
Split Tunneling 113
Client Settings 115
Choose Browser Proxy Settings 117
Add or Edit Browser Proxy Settings 117
User Authentication (XAuth) 119
Client Update 120
Add or Edit Client Update Entry 121
Summary 121
Browser Proxy Settings 122
Add or Edit Easy VPN Server 123
Add or Edit Easy VPN Server Connection 125
Restrict Access 126
Group Policies Configuration 126
Local Pools 129
Add or Edit IP Local Pool 130
Add IP Address Range 130
Dynamic Multipoint VPN 1
Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) Hub Wizard 2
Type of Hub 3
Configure Pre-Shared Key 3
Hub GRE Tunnel Interface Configuration 4
Advanced Configuration for the Tunnel Interface 5
Primary Hub 6
Select Routing Protocol 7
Routing Information 7
Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) Spoke Wizard 9