Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Application Security
Application Security allows you to create security policies to govern the use of
network and web applications. You can apply the policies that you create to
specific interfaces, clone an existing policy to leverage the settings for a new
policy, and remove policies from the router.

Application Security Windows

The controls in the Application Security windows allow you to associate policies
with interfaces, make global settings, and add, delete and clone application
security policies. The application security drawers enable you to quickly navigate
to the application security area in which you need to make changes.

Policy Name List

Select the policy that you want to modify from this list. If there are no policies
configured, this list is empty, and the Application Security window displays a
message that indicates no policies are available on the router. To create a policy
click the Action button, and choose Add.

Application Security Buttons

Action buttonClick to add a policy, delete the chosen policy, or clone the
chosen policy. If no policies are configured on the router, Add is the only
action available.