Chapter2 LAN Wizard
LAN Wizard: VLAN Mode
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
LAN Wizard: VLAN Mode
This screen lets you determine the type of VLAN information that will be carried
over the switch port. Switch ports can be designated either to be in access mode,
in which case they will forward only data that is destined for the VLAN to which
they are assigned, or they can be designated to be in trunking mode, in which case
they will forward data destined for all VLANs including the VLAN to which they
are assigned.
If this switch port will be connected to a single device, such as a single PC or IP
phone, or if this device will be connected to a port on a networking device, such
as another switch, that is an access mode port, then select Single Device.
If this switch port will be connected to a port on a network device, such as another
switch, that is a trunking mode, select Network Device.
LAN Wizard: Switch Port
This screen lets you assign an existing VLAN number to the switch port or to
create a new VLAN interface to be assigned to the VLAN switch port.

Existing VLAN

If you want to assign the switch port to a VLAN that has already been defined,
such as the default VLAN (VLAN 1), enter the VLAN ID number in the Network
(VLAN) Identifier field.


If you want to create a new VLAN interface to which the switch port will be
assigned, enter the new VLAN ID number in th e New VLAN field, and then enter
the IP address and subnet mask of the new VLAN logical interface in the IP
Address and Subnet Mask fields.