Chapter28 Public Key Infrastructure
USB Tokens
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Current PIN
If you are adding a USB token login, or if you are editing a USB token login that
has no PIN, the Current PIN field displays <None>. If you are editing a USB token
login which has a PIN, the Current PIN field displays ******.
Enter New PIN
Enter a new PIN for the USB token. The new PIN must be at least 4 di gits long
and must match the name of the token you want to log in to. I f you are editing a
USB token login, the current PIN will be replaced by the new PIN.
Reenter New PIN
Reenter the new PIN to confirm it.
Maximum PIN Retries
Choose the maximum number of times SDM will attempt to log in to the USB
token with the given PIN. If SDM is unsuccessful after trying for the numbe r
specified, it will stop trying to log in to the USB token.
Removal Timeout
Enter the maximum number of seconds that SDM will continue to use Internet
Key Exchange (IKE) credentials obtained from the USB token after the token is
removed from the router. The number of seconds must be in the range 0 to 480.
If you do not enter a number, the default timeout is used. The default timeout is
triggered when a new attempt to access the IKE credentials is made.
Secondary Config File
Specify a configuration file that exists on the USB token. The file can be a partial
or complete configuration file. The file extension must .cfg.
If SDM can log in to the USB token, it will merge the specified configuration file
with the routers running configuration.