Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter19 Intrusion Prevention Sy stem
Import Signatures
Click the Edit button to edit the parameters of the selected signature.
Delete button
Click to mark the selected signature for deletion from the list. To view signatures
you have deleted, click Details. For more information on the status and handling
of these signatures, see Signatures marked for deletion.
Note You cannot delete built-in signatures such as TrendMicro OPACL signatures, as
these signatures are part of the Cisco IOS image. If a built-in signature is
highlighted, the Delete button is disabled.
Enable button
Click to enable the selected signature. An enabled signature is designated with a
green checkmark. A signature that was disable d and then enabled has a yellow
Wait icon in the ! column indicating that the change must be applied to the router.
Disable button
Click to disable the selected signature. A signature that is disabled is designated
with a red icon. If the signature is disabled during the current session, a yellow
Wait icon appears in the ! column indicating that the change must be applied to
the router.
Import button
Click to import a signature definition file from the PC or from the router. When
you have selected the file, IPS displays the signatures available in the file, and you
can choose the ones that you want to import to the router. For more information
about how to choose the signatures to import, see Import Signatures.
Note You can only import signatures from the router if the router has a DOS-based file