Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter23 Router Properties
Edit Button
Click to edit a management policy, and specify the policy in the Edit a
Management Policy window.
Delete Button
Click to delete a selected management policy.
Apply Button
Click to apply changes you have made in the Add or Edit a Management Policy
window to the routers configuration.
Discard Changes Button
Click to discard changes you have made in the Add or Edit a Management Policy
window to the routers configuration. The changes you made are discarded, and
removed from the Configure Management Access Policies window.
Add or Edit a Management Policy
Use this window to add or edit a management policy.
Specify whether the address you provide is the address of a host or a network.
IP Address/Subnet Mask
If you selected Network in the Type field, enter the IP address of a host, or the
network address and subnet mask. For more information, see IP Addresses a nd
Subnet Masks.
Select the interface through which you want to allow management traffic. The
interface should be the most direct route from the host or network to the local