Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter26 Authentication, Auth orization, and Accounting
AAA Servers and Groups

Method 1 Column

The method that the router will attempt first. If one of the servers in this method
authenticates the user (sends a PASS response), authentication is successful. If a
server returns a FAIL response, authentication fails. If no servers in the first
method respond, then the router uses the next method in the list. Me thods can be
ordered when you create or edit a method list.

Method 2, 3, and 4 Columns

The methods that the router will use if the servers referenced in method 1 do not
respond. If there are fewer than four methods, the positions for which no list has
been configured are kept empty.
Add or Edit a Method List for Authentication or Authorization
A method list is a sequential list describing the authentication methods to be
queried in order to authenticate a user. Method lists enable you to designate one
or more security protocols to be used for authenticatio n, thus ensuring a backup
system for authentication in case the initial method fails.
Cisco IOS software uses the first listed method to authenticate users. If that
method fails to respond, the Cisco IOS software selects the next authentication
method listed in the method list. This process continues until there is successful
communication with a listed authentication method, or all methods defined in the
method list are exhausted.
It is important to note that the Cisco IOS software attempts authentication with
the next listed authentication method only when there is no response from the
previous method. If authentication fails at any point in this cyclemeaning that
the security server or local username database responds by denying the user
accessthe authentication process stops and no other authentication methods are


Select the name Default in the Name list, or select User Defined, and enter a
method list name in the Specify field.