Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter18 Network Addres s Translation
Network Address Translation Rules
Access Rule...
Dynamic NAT translation rules use access rules to specify the addresses that need
translation. If you select From inside to outside, these are the inside local
addresses. Enter the name or number of the access rule that defines the addre sses
you want to translate. If you do not know the name or number, you can click on
the ... button and select an existing access rule, or you can create a new access rule
and select it.
Translate to Interface
This area shows the interfaces out of which packets with translated addresses may
exit the router. It also provides fields for you to specify the translated address.
Outside Interface(s)
If you chose From inside to outside for Direction, this area contains the
designated outside interfaces.
Select Interface if you want the Translate from... addresses to use the address of
an interface on the router. They will be translated to the address that you specify
in the interface field, and PAT will be used to distinguish each host on the network.
Select Address Pool if you want the addresses to be translated to addresses
defined in a configured address pool.
If Interface is selected in the Type field, this field lists the interfaces on the router.
Select the interface whose IP address you want the local inside addresses
translated to. PAT will be used to distinguish each host on the network.
Address Pool
If Address Pool is selected in the Type field, you can enter the name of a
configured address pool in this field, or you can click Address Pool to select or
create an address pool.
Configuration Scenarios
Click Dynamic Address Translation Scenarios for examples that illustrate how the
fields in this window are used.