Chapter9 Easy VPN Remote
Create Easy VPN Remote
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Connection Settings
The information entered in this window identifies the Easy VPN tunnel, the Easy
VPN server or concentrator that the router will connect to, and the way you want
traffic to be routed in the VPN.

Easy VPN Tunnel Name

Enter the name that you want to give this Easy VPN connection. The name must
be unique among Easy VPN tunnel names for this router and must not contain
spaces or special characters such as question marks (?).

Easy VPN Server 1

Enter the IP address or the hostname of the primary Easy VPN server or
concentrator to which the router will connect. If y ou enter a hostname, there must
be a Domain Name System(DNS) server on the network that can resolve the
hostname to the correct IP address for the peer device.

Easy VPN Server 2

The Easy VPN Server 2 field appears when the Cisco IOS image on the router
supports Easy VPN Remote Phase III. This field does not appear when the Cisco
IOS image does not support Easy VPN Remote Phase III.
Enter the IP address or the hostname of the secondary Eas y VPN server or
concentrator to which the router will connect. If y ou enter a hostname, there must
be a DNS server on the network that can resolve the hostname to the correct IP
address for the peer device.
Choose either Client or Network Extension.
Choose Client if you want the PCs and other devices on the routers inside
networks to form a private network with private IP addresses. Network Address
Translation (NAT) and Port Address Translation (PAT) will be used. Devices
outside the LAN will not be able to ping devices on the LAN, or reach them