Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter19 Intrusion Prevention Sy stem
Import Signatures
Signature Tree
If you need a description of the signature tree, click this link: Signature Tree. You
can use the signature tree in this window to assemble the signatures that you want
to import, category by category.
For example, you may want to add signatures from the OS category, and from the
Service category. You can do this by choosing the OS branch of the tree, and any
branch from that part of the tree that you want, s uch as the UNIX branch or the
Windows branch. When the types of signatures that you want to import are
displayed, you can make your selections in the signature list area. Then, you can
choose the Service branch, and choose any of the service signatures that you want.
Signature List Area
The signature list displays the signatures available in the SDF based on the criteria
you selected in the signature tree. Review the signatures in this area and choose
the ones that you want to import. If you want to import all the signatures in this
area, click Select All.
The signature list area has these columns:
NameThe name of the signature. For example, FTP Improper Address.
DeployedIf the signature is already deployed on the router, this c olumn
contains Yes. If the signature is no t deployed, the column contains No.
ImportThis column contains a checkbox for each sign ature. If you want to
import the signature, check this box.
Choose this option to merge the signatures that you are importing with the
signatures that are already configured on the router.
Choose this option to replace the signatures already configured on the r outer with
the signatures that you are importing.