Chapter10 Easy VPN Server
Create an Easy VPN Server
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Select from an Existing Pool
Choose the range of IP addresses from the existing pool of IP addresses.
Note This field cannot be edited if there are no predefined IP address pools.

Subnet Mask (Optional)

Enter a subnet mask to send with the IP addresses allocated to clients in this

Maximum Connections Allowed

Specify the maximum number of client connections to the Easy VPN Server from
this group.
SDM supports a maximum of 5000 connections per group.
What Do You Want to Do?
DNS and WINS Configuration
This window allows you to specify the Domain Name Service (DNS) and
Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) information.


Enter the primary and secondary DNS server IP address in the fields provided.
Entering a secondary DNS server address is optional.
If you want to: Do this:
Authenticate the clients associated with the group. Enter the key in the Preshared Key field.
Create a local pool of IP addressess to be allocated
to clients.
Enter the IP address range in the Create a new
pool field under the Pool Information area.
Choose a range of IP address from the existing pool
to be allocated to clients.
Choose the IP address range from the Select
From An Existing Pool field under Pool
Information area.