Chapter7 Application Security
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Specify the e-mail applications that you want to inspect in this window. To learn
about the buttons and drawers available in the Application Security tab, click
Application Security Windows.
Edit Button
Click this button to edit the settings for the chosen application. Settings that you
make override the global settings configured on the router.

Applications Column

The name of the e-mail application, for example bliff, esmtp, and smtp. To edit the
settings for an application, check the box to the left of the application name, and
click Edit.

Alerts, Audit, and Timeout Columns

These columns display values that have been explicitly set for an application. If a
setting has not been changed for an application, the column is empty. For
example, if auditing has been enabled for the bliff application, but no changes
have been made to the alert or to the timeout settings, the value on is displayed in
the Audit column, but the Alert and Timeout columns are blank.

Options Column

This column can contain fields if there are other settings that have been made for
the chosen application.
MAX Data field
Specifies the maximum number of bytes (data) that can be transferred in a single
Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) session. After the maximum value is
exceeded, the firewall logs an alert message and closes t he session. Default value:
20 MB.
Secure login checkbox
Causes a user at a non-secure location to use encryption for authentication.