Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter4 Edit Interface/Connection
Connection: Serial Interface, Frame Relay Encapsulation
Subnet Mask
If you selected Static IP address, enter the subnet mask. The subnet mask
specifies the portion of the IP address that provides the network address. This
value is synchronized with the subnet bits. Your network administrator or Internet
service provider provides the value of the subnet mask or the network bits.
Subnet Bits
Alternatively, enter the network bits to specify how much of the IP address
provides the network address.
IP Unnumbered
If you selected IP unnumbered, the interface will share an IP address that has
already been assigned to another interface. Select the interface whose IP address
you want the interface you are configuring to use.
Enter the data link connection identifier (DLCI) in this field. This number must
be unique among all DLCIs used on this interface. The DLCI provi des a unique
frame-relay identifier for this connection.
If you are editing an existing connection, the D LCI field will be disabled. If you
need to change the DLCI, delete the connection and create it again.
LMI Type
Ask your service provider which of the following Local Mana gement Interface
(LMI) types you should use. The LMI type specifies the protocol used to monitor
the connection:
Annex D defined by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard
LMI type defined jointly by Cisco and three other companies.
ITU-T Q.933
ITU-T Q.933 Annex A.