Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter4 Edit Interface/Connection
Connection: Serial Interface, PPP Encapsulation
To clear an associated dynamic DNS method from the interface, choose None
from the drop-down menu.
Connection: Serial Interface, PPP Encapsulation
Complete these fields if you are configuring a serial interface for Point-to-Point
Protocol encapsulation. If you are editing a connection or creating a connection
in the Edit Interfaces and Connections window, the encapsulation is shown, but
not editable. If you need to change the encapsulation type, delete the c onnection,
and recreate it, using the encapsulation type you need.
PPP selected.
IP Address
Select Static IP address, IP Unnumbered or IP Negotiated. If you select IP
Unnumbered, choose the interface whose IP address this interface is to use. If
you select IP Negotiated, the router obtains an IP address from the Internet
service provider for this interface. If you select Specify an IP address, complete
the fields below.
IP Address
Enter the IP address for this point-to-point subinterface. Obtain this value from
your network administrator or service provider. For more information, re fer to IP
Addresses and Subnet Masks.
Subnet Mask
Enter the subnet mask. The subnet mask specifies the portion of the IP address
that provides the network address. This value is synchronized with the network
bits. Obtain the value of the subnet mask or the network bits fr om your network
administrator or Internet service provider.
Subnet Bits
Alternatively, enter the network bits to specify how many bits in the IP address
provide the network address.