Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter4 Edit Interface/Connection
If SDM is running on a Cisco 7000 router, you will be able to create a connection
only on Ethernet and Fast Ethernet interfaces.
IP Address
This column can contain the following types of IP addresses:
The configured IP address of the interface.
DHCP ClientThe interface receives an IP address from a Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server.
IP address negotiatedThe interface receives an IP address via negotiation
with the remote device.
IP unnumberedThe router will use one of a pool of IP addresses su pplied
by your service provider for your router, and for the devices on the LAN.
Not ApplicableThe interface type cannot be assigned an IP address.
The Type column displays the interface type, such as Ethernet, serial, or ATM.
The number of the physical slot in the router that the interface is installed in. If
SDM is running on a Cisco 1710 router, the slot field will be emp ty.
This column shows whether this interface is up or down. The green icon with the
upward-pointing arrowhead indicates the interface is up. The red icon with the
downward-pointing arrowhead indicates that the interface is down.
This column contains any descriptions provided for this c onnection.
Details About Interface
This area of the window displays association and, if applicable, connect ion details
about the interface selected in the Interface List. Association details include such
information as Network Address Translation (NAT), Access, and inspection rules,
IPSec policies, and Easy VPN configurations. Connection details include IP
address, encapsulation type, and DHCP options.