Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Port-to-Application Mapping
Port-to-Application Mapping (PAM) allows you to customize TCP and UDP port
numbers for network services and applications. PAM uses this information to
support network environments that run services using ports that are different from
the registered or well-known ports associated with an application.
The information that PAM maintains enables Context-Based Access Control
(CBAC) supported services to run on nonstandard ports. Previously, CBAC was
limited to inspecting traffic using only the well-known or registered ports
associated with an application. Now, PAM allows network administrators to
customize network access control for specific applications and services.

Port-to-Application Mappings

This window displays the port-to-application mappings configured on the router
and allows you to add, edit and remove PAM en tries. Each row in the window
displays a PAM entry, and entries are grouped according to type.
Add, Edit, and Delete Buttons
Use these buttons to create, edit, or remove PAM entries. Clicking the Add button
lets you create entries that map nonstandard port numbers to protocol names.
Clicking the Edit button lets you make changes to user-defined entries. Entries
with the value System Defined in the Protocol Type column cannot be edited or