Chapter28 Public Key Infrastructure
Enrollment Request
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide

Begin New Enrollment

Click Begin new enrollment to generate a trustpoint, an RSA key pair and an
enrollment request that you can save to your PC and send to the CA server. The
wizard completes after you save the enrollment request. To complete the
enrollment after you have receive the CA server certificate and the certificate for
your router, re-enter the Cut and Paste wizard and select Continue with an
unfinished enrollment.

Continue with an unfinished enrollment

Click this button to resume an enrollment process. You can import certificates you
have received from the CA server, and you can generate a new enrollment request
for a trustpoint if you need to.
Enrollment Request
This window displ ays the base-64-encoded PKCS#10-type enrollment r equest that
the router has generated. Save the enrollment request to the PC. Then, send it to
the CA to obtain your certificate.


Browse for the directory on the PC that you want to save the enrollment request
text file in, enter a name for the file, and click Save.
Continue with Unfinished Enrollment
If you are continuing with an unfinished enrollment yo u need to select the
trustpoint associated with the unfinished enrollment, and then specify the part of
the enrollment process you need to complete. If you are importing a CA server
certificate or a router certificate, the certificate must be available on your PC.

Select CA server nickname (trustpoint)

Select the trustpoint associated with the enrollment you are completing.