Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter28 Public Key Infrastructu re
Enrollment Status

If you are performing a cut-and-paste enrollment

After the commands are delivered to the router, SDM generates an enrollment
request and displays it in another window. You must save this enrollment request
and present it to the CA server administrator in order to obtain the CA servers
certificate, and the certificate for the router. The enrollment request is in Base64
encoded PKCS#10 format.
After you obtain the certificates from the CA server, you must restart the Cut and
Paste wizard, and select Continue an unfinished enrollment to import the
certificates to your router.
Enrollment Status
This window informs you of the status of the enrollment process. If errors are
encountered during the process, SDM displays the information it has about the
When status has been reported, click Finish.
Cut and Paste Wizard Welcome
The Cut and Paste wizard lets you generate an enrollment request and save it to
your PC so that you can send it to the Certificate Authority offline. Because you
cannot complete the enrollment in a single session, this wizard completes when
you generate the trustpoint and the enrollment request and save it to your PC.
After you have submitted the enrollment request to the CA server manually, and
received the CA server certificate and the certificate for your router, you must
start the Cut and Paste wizard again to complete the enrollment and import the
certificates to the router.
Enrollment Task
Specify whether you are beginning a new enrollment or you are resuming an
enrollment with an enrollment request that you saved to the PC.