Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter8 Site-to-Site VPN
Edit Site-to-Site VPN
Step2 Select a policy from the Choose IPSec Policy list. Click OK to return to the VPN
Connections window.
Add Additional Crypto Maps
Use this window to add a new crypto map to an existing IPSec policy. This
window shows the interface associated with the VPN connection that you selected
in the VPN Connections window, the IPSec policy associated with it, and the
crypto maps that the policy already contains.
The crypto map specifies a sequence number, the peer device at the other end of
the connection, the set of transforms that encrypt the traffic, and the IPSec rule
that determines which traffic is encrypted.
Note Adding a crypto map to an existing IPSec policy is the only way to add a VPN tunnel
to an interface that is already being used in an existing VPN connection.
This is the interface used in this VPN connection.

IPSec Policy

This is the name of the IPSec policy controlling the VPN connection. The crypto
maps making up the IPSec policy are shown in the list below this field. For more
information, click More about VPN Connections and IPSec Policies.