Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter22 Network Admission Control
Create NAC Tab
Policy List
Select the policy that you want to apply to the host. When you select a policy, the
redirect URL specified for the policy appears in a read-only field, and the access
rule entries for the policy are displayed.
If no policies are available in the list, click Cancel to return to the wizard screen,
and then choose the option that allows you to add a policy.

Policy List

Select the policy that you want to apply to the excepted host from the list. If there
are no policies in the list, click Cancel to return to the wizard and then choose
Create a new policy and select in the Add to the Exception List window.

Redirect URL:



This read-only field displays the redirect URL associated with the policy that you
select. Hosts to which this policy is applied are redirected to this URL when
attempting to access the network.

Preview of Access Rule

The Action, Source, Destination, and Service columns show the ACL entries in
the access rule associated with the policy.
Add Exception Policy
Create a new exception policy in this window.
To create a new exception policy, enter a name for the policy, and either specify
an access rule that defines the IP addresses that hosts in the exception list can
access, or enter a redirect URL. The redirect URL should contain remediation
information that enables users to update their virus definition files. You must
provide either an access rule name, or a redirect URL. You can specify both.

Name Field

Enter the name for the policy in this field. Question mark (?) characters and space
characters cannot be used in policy names, and the name is limited to 256