Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter21 Quality of Service
Edit QoS Policy
Add a Protocol
This window allows you to add the protocols that are not added to the real-time
traffic class.

NBAR Protocol

This area lists the NBAR protocols that are not added to any of the traffic classes.
Select the NBAR protocol from the list and click OK button to add the protocol.
Note If all the NBAR protocols are added to the traffic class, the Custom Protocol radio
button will be selected by default and the NBAR Protocol radio button will be

Custom Protocol

This area allows you to define custom protocols with known port number.
Name of the custom protocol to be defined.
Port Number(s)
This area list the port numbers that are added for the selected custom protocol.
A maximum of 16 port numbers can be added for a custom protocol. The Add...
button will be disabled when there are 16 port numbers in the Port Number(s)
SDM displays a warning message if the same port number is added twice for the
selected custom protocol.
Select the port number from the Port Number(s) box and click on Delete button
to remove the port number from the Port Numb er(s) box.