Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
statistics 9
tunnel status 9
viewing activity 8
IPSec Rules window 3
IP source routing, disabling 10
LMI 16, 37
configuring 31
enabling 14
enabling sequence numbers and time
stamps 11
viewing events 17
MD5 42
mGRE 4
mirror configuration, VPN 70
Monitor mode 1
Firewall Status 13
Interface Status 6
Logging 17
Overview 2
VPN Status 8
MOP service, disabling 20
Multipoint Generic Routing Encapsulation 4
address pools 9, 15
affect on DMZ service configuration 7
and VPN connections 67
configuring on unsupported interface 28, 16
configuring with a VPN 75
designated interfaces 8
DNS timeout 13
dynamic address translation rule, inside to
outside 23
dynamic NAT timeout 13
ICMP timeout 13
max number of entries 13
permitting through a firewall 17
PPTP timeout 13
redirect port 20, 23
route map 26
route maps 14
static address translation rule 17
static address translation rule, outside to
inside 20
TCP flow timeouts 13
translate from interface,dynamic rule 24, 27
translate from interface,static rule 18, 21
translate to interface,dynamic rule 25, 27
translate to interface,static rule 19, 22
translation direction,static rule 18
translation rules 9