Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter21 Quality of Service
Summary of the configuration
Summary of the configuration
The QoS Wizard Summary window displays the summary of QoS policy-map and
its related QoS class-maps. This policy map will inturn be attached to the selected
interface for configuring QoS policy.
Clicking Finish exits the QoS Wizard and takes you to the Edit QoS Policy screen.
Edit QoS Policy
The Edit QoS Policy window allows to change already configured QoS policies.


Click on Clone button to clone the selected QoS policy.
Click on Delete button to delete the selected QoS policy.

QoS Policies

This area lists the existing QoS policies.
Policy Name
This column list the QoS policies configured on the interface.
Policy Type
This column lists the type of policies configured on the interface.
SDM-DefaultThe policy is the SDM default policy.
SDM-ClonedThe policy is a clone of another policy. Cloning an existing
policy is an easy way to copy settings that you dont want to change.
CLI-CreatedThe policy was created using the IOS CLI.
Applied to Interface
This column lists the interface to which the QoS policy is applied.