Chapter7 Application Security
Global Timeouts and Thresholds
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Edit Inspection Rule
Use this window to specify custom inspection rule settings for an application.
Settings made here and applied to the routers configuration override the global
Click the Global Settings button in the Application Security window to display
the global settings for the parameters that you can set in this window. See Global
Timeouts and Thresholds for more information.

Alert Field

Choose one of the following values:
defaultUse the global setting for alerts.
onGenerate an alert when traffic of this type is encountered.
offDo not generate an alert when traffic of this type is encountered.

Audit Field

Choose one of the following values:
defaultUse the global setting for audit trails.
onGenerate an audit trail when traffic of this type is encountered.
offDo not generate an audit trail when traffic of this type is encountered.

Timeout Field

Enter the number of seconds that a session for this application should be managed
after no activity has been detected. The timeout value that you enter sets the TCP
Idle Timeout value if this is a TCP application, or the UDP timeout value if this
is a UDP application.

Other Options

Certain applications can have additional options set. Depending on the
application, you may see the options described next.