Chapter28 Public Key Infrastructure
Digital Certificates
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Refresh Button
Click to refresh the Certificate chain area when you select a different trustpoint in
the Trustpoints list.
Trustpoint Information
The Trustpoints list in the Router Certificates window displays the key
information about each trustpoint on the router. This window displays all the
information provided to create the trustpoint.
Certificate Details
This window displays trustpoint details that are not displayed in the Certificates
Type One of the following:
RA KeyEncipher CertificateRivest Adelman encryption certificate
RA Signature CertificateRivest Adelman signature certificate.
CA CertificateThe certificate of the CA organization.
CertificateThe certificate of the router.
Usage One of the following:
General PurposeA general purpose certificate that the router uses to
authenticate itself to remote peers.
SignatureCA certificates are signature certificates.
Serial Number The serial number of the certificate
Issuer The name of the CA that issued the certificate.
Status One of the following:
AvailableThe certificate is available for use.
PendingThe certificate has bee applied for, but is not available for use.
Expires (Days) The number of days th e certificate can be used before it expires.
Expiry Date The date on which the certificate expires.