Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter19 Intrusion Prevention Sy stem
Import Signatures

Match all of the conditions button

If the signatures that you want must match all of the conditions, that you specify,
choose this button.
Note If you select this button, you can only select one OS criteria, one Service criteria,
and one Attack criteria.

Match any of the conditions button

If you want signatures that match any of the criteria, choose this button. If you
choose this button, you can add any number of category items.
Signature Edit
This screen lists the signatures that match the criteria that you specified. Here is
an example of what this screen might contain:
After reviewing the signatures in the list, select unneeded signatur es and use the
Delete button to remove them from the list.
Signature Import Wizard Summary
The summary window allows you to save the edited SDF to the router and, if you
want, to the PC. If you save the SDF to the PC as well as to router memory, you
have a backup in case there are communications problems between SDM and the
Enabled Sig ID SubSig ID Name
3153 0 FTP Improper Address
2010 0 ICMP Info Rply
3150 0 FTP SITE