Chapter2 LAN Wizard
DHCP Pool for BVI
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
IP Address
Enter the IP address for the interface in dotted decimal format. Your network
administrator should determine the IP addresses of LAN interfaces. For more
information, see IP Addresses and Subnet Masks.

Net Mask

Enter the subnet mask. Obtain this value from your network administrator. The
subnet mask enables the router to determine how much of the IP address i s used
to define the network and host portions of the address.

Net Bits

Alternatively, select the number of network bits. This value is used to calculate
the subnet mask. Your network administrator can tell you the number of network
bits to enter.
DHCP Pool for BVI
When you configure the router as a DHCP server, you can create a pool of IP
addresses that clients on the network can use. When a client logs off the network,
the address it was using is returned to the pool for use by another host.

DHCP Server Configuration

Click this box if you want to have the router function as a DHCP server. Then,
specify the starting and ending IP addresses in the pool. Be sure to specify IP
addresses in the same subnet as the IP address you gave the interface. For
example, If you gave the interface an IP address of, with a subnet mask
of, you have over 250 addresses available for the pool, and you
might specify a Start IP Address of, and an End IP Address of