Chapter8 Site-to-Site VPN
Edit Site-to-Site VPN
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Select the IP address that you want to ping. If the address you want to use is not
in the list, you can enter a different one in the field.

To ping a remote peer:

Specify the source and destination, and click Ping. You can read the output of the
ping command to determine whether the ping was successful.

To clear the output of the ping command:

Click Clear.
Generate Mirror...
This window shows you the IPSec policy used for the VPN tunnel to the selected
peer, and allows you to save the policy in a text file that you can use when
configuring the VPN connection on the peer device.

Peer Device

Select the IP address or host name of the peer device to see the I PSec policy
configured for the tunnel to that device. The policy appears in the box under the
peer IP address.

To create a text file of the IPSec policy:

Click Save, and specify a name and location for the text file. You can give this text
file to the administrator of the peer device so that he or she can create a policy that
mirrors the one you created on the router. Click After Configuring a VPN, How
Do I Configure the VPN on the Peer Router? to learn how to use the text file to
create a mirror policy.
Caution The text file that you generate must not be copied into the configuration file of the
remote system, but must be used only to show what has been configured on the
local router so that the remote device can be configured in a way that is
compatible. Identical names for IPSec policies, IKE policies, and transform sets