Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter16 Security Audit
Report Card Page

Outside Column

This column displays a check box for each interface listed in the Interface column.
Check the check box for each interface that connects to a network outside of your
network, such as the Internet.

Inside Column

This column displays a check box for each interface listed in the Interface column.
Check the check box for each interface that connects direc tly to your local
network and is thus protected from the Internet by your firewall.
Report Card Page
The Report Card popup page displays a list of recommen ded configuration
changes that, if made, make the network more secure. The Save button, enabled
after all checks are made, lets you save the report card to a file that you can print
or email. Clicking Close displays a dialog that lists the reported security
problems, and that can list security configurations that SDM can undo.
Fix It Page
This page displays the configuration changes recommended in the Report Card
page. Use the Select an Option list to display the security problems SDM can fix,
or the security configurations SDM can undo.

Select an Option: Fix the security problems

The Report Card screen displays a list of recommended configuration changes
that will make your router and network more secure. The potential security
problems in your router configuration are listed in the left column. To get more
information about a potential problem, click the problem. Online help will display
a more detailed description of the problem and the recommended configuration
changes. To correct all of the potential problems, click Fix All, and then click
Next> to continue. To correct individual security issues, check the Fix It check
box next to the issue or issues that you want to correct, an d then click Next> to
continue the Security Audit Wizard. The Security Audit will correct the problems