Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
Chapter20 Network Module Mana gement
IDS Network Module Management

IDS NM Monitoring Interface Settings

This area of the window shows which router interfaces have traffic sent to the IDS
network module for monitoring.


Click to add or remove interfaces from this list. When you click Configure, SDM
verifies that the IDS Network Module has been configured, and that the router h as
all the configuration settings necessary to communicate with the IDS Network
Module. If any configurations are not in place, SDM displays a chec klist showing
you what has been configured and what has not been configured. You can click on
the items that have not been configured to complete the configuration, and then
have SDM reverify that these items have been configured so that you can then add
or remove interfaces from the IDS Network Module Interface Settings list.
IDS Sensor Interface IP Address
SDM must communicate with the IDS network module using the IP address of the
modules internal Fast Ethernet interface. This window appears when SDM
cannot detect this IP address, and enables you to supply one without leaving SDM
to do so. If the IDS network module has been configured with a static IP address,
or configured as IP unnumbered to another interface with an IP address, this
window will not appear.
Entering an IP address in this window may create a new loopback interface.
Loopback interfaces can be displayed in the Interfaces and Connections window.
The IP address you enter will only be seen by the router. Therefore, it can be any
address you want to use.
A check mark icon next to the interface name indicates that the IDS
network module is monitoring the traffic on that interface.
A red icon with an X next to the interface name indicates that the IDS
network module is not monitoring the traffic on that interface.