Chapter24 ACL Editor
Rules Windows
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide
See Services and Ports to see a table containing port names and numbers available
in SDM.

Log Matches Against This Entry

If you have specified a syslog server in System Properties, you can check this box
and matches will be recorded in the log file sent to the syslog server.
Select a Rule
Use this window to select a rule to use.
If you select
this protocol: You can specify the following in the Source Port and Destination Port fields:
TCP and UDP Specify the source and destination port by name or number. If you do no t remember
the name or number, click the ... button and select the value you want from the Service
window. This field accepts protocol numbers from 0 through 65535.
=. The rule entry applies to the value that you enter in the field to the right.
!=. The rule entry applies to any value except the one that you e nter in the field to
the right.
<. The rule entry applies to all port numbers lower than the number you enter.
>. The rule entry applies to all port numbers higher than the number you enter.
range. The entry applies to the range of port numbers that you specify in the fields
to the right.
ICMP Specify any ICMP type, or specify a type by name or number. If you do not remember
the name or number, click the ... button, and select the value you want. This field
accepts protocol numbers from 0 through 255.
IP Specify any IP protocol, or specify a protocol by name or number. If you do not
remember the name or number, click the ... button, and select the value you want. This
field accepts protocol numbers from 0 through 255.