114 omreport rac: Viewing Remote Access Controller Components
Help With the omreport rac Command
Use the omreport rac -? command to get a list of the available commands for omreport rac.
omreport rac authentication
Use the omreport rac authentication command to determine whether local operating system
authentication of users is enabled or disabled for the RAC.
The RAC has two methods of authenticating user access: RAC authentication and local operating system
authentication. RAC authentication is always enabled. Administrators can set up specific user accounts
and passwords that allow access to the RAC.
Operating systems also require administrators to define different levels of users and user accounts; each
user level has different privileges. Local operating system authentication on the RAC is an option for
administrators who do not want to define one set of privileges for users in the operating system and a
separate set of users and accounts for the RAC. If you enable local operating system authentication for
the RAC, you enable any user with Administrator status on the operating system to log into the RAC.
Table 6-1. omreport rac Command Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3
level 1
level 2
level 3
authentication U, P, A Enables or disables user access to the RAC based on how
the Administrator has set up each user’s local operating
system user account privileges.
dialinusers U, P, A Displays the dial-in user properties.
dialoutusers U, P, A Displays the dial-out user properties.
network U, P, A Displays the onboard NIC properties.
modem U, P, A Displays the onboard modem properties.
remote U, P, A Displays the remote features properties.
snmptraps U, P, A Displays the SNMP trap properties.
users U, P, A Displays the user name properties.
viewcertificate U, P, A Displays the server or CA certificate.