Using the Storage Management Service 155
Example Syntax
For example, to set the background initialization rate to 50 on controller 1, enter:
omconfig storage controller action=setbgirate controller=1 rate=50
omconfig Set Reconstruct Rate
Use the following omconfig command syntax to set the reconstruct rate.
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage controller action=setreconstructrate controller=id
rate=<0 to 100>
where id is the controller ID as reported by the omreport storage controller command.
Example Syntax
For example, to set the reconstruct rate to 50 on controller 1, enter:
omconfig storage controller action=setreconstructrate controller=1
omconfig Set Check Consistency Rate
Use the following omconfig command syntax to set the check consistency rate.
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage controller action=setcheckconsistency controller=id
rate=<0 to 100>
where id is the controller ID as reported by the omreport storage controller command.
Example Syntax
For example, to set the check consistency rate to 50 on controller 1, enter:
omconfig storage controller action=setcheckconsistency controller=1
omconfig Export the Controller Log
Use the following omconfig command syntax to export the controller log to a text file. For more
information about the exported log file, see the online help.