PDISKID=<connector:enclosureID:portID connector:targetID>

Use this parameter to specify the physical disks that will be included in the virtual disk.

When reconfiguring a virtual disk, you must specify all physical disks to be included in the reconfigured virtual disk. The physical disk specification applies to physical disks that were in the original virtual disk and will continue to be in the reconfigured virtual disk and to any new physical disks being added to the reconfigured virtual disk. Some controllers allow you to remove a physical disk from a virtual disk. In this case, you would not specify the physical disk to be removed.

The pdisk=<PDISKID> parameter indicates a physical disk by specifying either connector:enclosureID:portID or connector:targetID.

stripesize=< 2kb 4kb 8kb 16kb 32kb 64kb 128kb>] Parameter (Optional)

Different controllers support different stripe sizes. See the online help for information on which stripe sizes are supported for a controller. All stripe sizes are specified in kilobytes. For example, when specifying 128 KB as the stripe size, enter:


[cachepolicy=<d c>] Parameter (Optional)

Different controllers support different cache policies. See the online help for more information. The following table indicates how to specify the [cachepolicy=<d c>] parameter for each of the cache policies.

Table 8-19. Cache Policy Parameters

Cache Policy

cachepolicy=d c Parameter Specification



Direct I/O


Cache I/O




[readpolicy=<ra nra ara rc nrc>] Parameter (Optional)

Different controllers support different read policies. See the online help for more information.

The following table indicates how to specify the [readpolicy=<ra nra ara rc nrc>] parameter for each of the read policies.


Using the Storage Management Service

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Dell Command Line Interface PDISKID=connectorenclosureIDportID connectortargetID, Cachepolicy=d c Parameter Optional, 152