Run-time messages in downloading/uploading by FTP
When the BHT is uploading or downloading files by FTP, the following messages may appear in the bottom of the LCD:
Messages | Displays when: |
Aborted. | Uploading or downloading is interrupted. |
Connection error | The communications pathway is disconnected. |
Device error | Failed to open a device. |
Downloading | Downloading starts. |
Download failed | Downloading has abnormally ended. |
Download finished | Downloading has finished normally. |
File broken! | In uploading, the specified file is broken. |
File not found! | In downloading, no file is found. |
File not selected | No file is selected. |
File type mismatch! | In uploading, the attributes of the file selected in the |
| SELECT FILE entry box are different from those in the |
| DIR/FILE entry box. |
FTP error | During execution of an FTP command, an error has oc- |
| curred. |
FTP opened | Connection is established by FTP. |
Illegal text format! | The format of a received text is illegal. |
Opening device | Opening a device. |
Out of memory! | The memory is insufficient for storing files to be down- |
| loaded. |
Out of range! | The specified parameter(s) is out of the allowable range. |
Parameter error! | In downloading, the record length and/or field length |
| specified in the FIELDS entry box exceed 255. |
Program file error! | The received program file is illegal. |
Routing TCP/IP | Connecting to the TCP/IP communications pathway. |
Syntax error! | A syntax error has occurred. |
TCP/IP error | Failed to connect to the TCP/IP communications pathway. |
TCP socket error | During execution of an FTP command, an error has oc- |
| curred in the TCP layer. |
Too many files! | The current download will exceed the allowable number |
| of files in the memory. |
Uploading | Uploading starts. |
Upload failed | Uploading has abnormally ended. |
Upload finished | Uploading has finished normally. |