7-16 Chapter 7
Inbound Authentication - Toggle between Enabled or Disabled. Restricts incoming calls to authentication. The originator (server ID and address) of each call coming in on the X.25 link is first checked against the Authentication Database before it is given access to the server. Only those calls in the table are accepted. All other calls are rejected.
Note: When Inbound Authentication is Disabled, the X.25 link will accept all inbound calls regardless of originating ID or address.
Authentication Database Name - Allows for separate tables of individual remote originating ID’s and addresses for inbound X.25 calls. New tables can be constructed through this field.
Authentication Database - Permits the addition and modification of individual table entries for the specific Authentication Database Name chosen. The table entry consists of a remote system ID and DTE address pair.
Press <Esc> and save changes to accept the remaining default values and return to the Network Interfaces menu.
Press <Esc> again to return to the Internetworking Configuration menu and continue with Configuring WAN Call Destinations, below.