Contacting Emulex
Emulex (USA) Technical Support
3535 Harbor Boulevard
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Telephone: (800)
FAX: (714)
BBS (714)
EmuFax (714)
Internet: tech_support@emulex.com (24 hr) Support Services (714)
Emulex Limited (Europe) Technical Support Mulberry Business Park Fishponds Road Wokingham, Berkshire RG11 2QY, England
Telephone: (011)
FAX: (011)
BBS: (011)
ftp: ftp.europe.emulex.com
If Emulex Technical Support personnel determine the unit is defective, they will provide information to return the product to an authorized Emulex repair center for service. If return is required, a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number and shipping instructions will be issued.
Emulex Network Systems has facilities throughout the world. Contact corporate headquarters for the closest office or regional center.