Software Configuration 5-3
Boards - Determines which LAN and WAN boards are used in the server or router. This option allows you to add new boards, modify the hardware parameters associated with the boards, enable or disable configured boards, or delete boards.
Network Interfaces - Allows you to configure
WAN Call Directory - Specifies parameters required to establish and maintain a WAN connection to a given destination for all protocols.
Protocols - Specifies global parameters for
Bindings - Enables a selected network protocol or bridge frame to be routed across a particular LAN or WAN interface.
Manage Configuration - Enables you to perform the following tasks:
−Configure SNMP parameters.
−Export/import configuration information to or from a disk.
−Configure remote access to this server.
−Edit the AUTOEXEC.NCF file.
View Configuration - Enables you to view the following information:
−All LOAD and BIND commands.
−LAN adapter LOAD and BIND commands.
−WAN adapter LOAD and BIND commands.
−Protocol commands.
−Board interface and protocol binding information in a matrix format. The summary can be saved to a file.
−Console messages captured during system restart or generated by the loaded modules.
The bottom line of each INETCFG screen shows the command keys that can be used on that screen and the action that the key performs. These keys are.