The next four bytes are a bitmap of the States of the High Speed Limits after a triggering cycle.
These bits represent the true states of all the limits, regardless of trigger enable settings.
The first two bytes are for the Above Limits, in the following order:
The other two bytes are for the below limits, and are in the same order as above.
The next four bytes are a bitmap of the Latched Delta states of the High Speed Limits. For the
first cycle in which a limit changes state, the change of state is recognized as a Delta. If
waveform capture parameters require multiple captures for a given change, subsequent captures
would be recognized as having no new Deltas. Therefore, every time a Delta occurs, the new
Delta is latched, so that consecutive captures for the original Delta contain information on the
Delta that triggered the first capture. The order of the bits is the same as for the states of the
High Speed Limits, as above. These bits will only report changes in limits that are enabled for
Waveform Triggering.
The next byte indicates whether this capture is contiguous with the previous capture. Avalue of
0x001 indicates that the first sample of this capture immediately follows the last sample of the
previous capture, with no gap. Contiguous does not imply that they were both captured for the
same cause, only that they follow one after the other. Avalue of 0x000 means that a gap in time
The next byte is a supplement to the Trigger Time Stamp. It is in milliseconds for the Trigger
Time Stamp and a binary value in the range 0–9.
The next byte tells which capture contains the trigger. For example, a device records a surge
lasting for two cycles. The surge triggers the first capture and the first capture contains the
triggering cycle for that first capture. However, the cycle that is the subsequent return to normal
is also contained in the first capture. It triggers the second capture. In the first Trigger Record,
this byte would contain the value 0x000, identifying the triggering sample to be in the first
capture at the index given by the above index value. In the second Trigger Record, this byte
would also contain the value 0x000, identifying the triggering sample also contained in the first
capture at the index and time given by its index value.
The next two bytes are a signed integer with the index of the sample that was at the end of the
triggering cycle.
The next two bytes are a signed integer with a count of the number of samples used in the
triggering cycle.
The next two bytes are a signed integer with the index of the sample that was the first sample of
the capture.
Table 6.3: Above Limits
Above Limit
15141312 109876543210