





QDigital Output Log Format: The Digital Output Log stores records in order to document the stages
used when changing states of Digital Outputs. Records are stored for four reasons - When the delay
at the end of a Relay Logic Tree is finished, indicating that a relay needs to change state, when a
communication port requests to lock or unlock a relay, when the command is transmitted to the
external device and when the response is returned from the external device.
QRecord Format: ARecord contains 64 Bytes.
·The first eight bytes in each record is the Time Stamp, representing the time of the event the
record is recording. The format of the Time Stamp is:
Byte Format Range Description
0 binary 0 - 99 century
1 binary 0 - 99 year
2 binary 1 - 12 month
3 binary 1 - 31 day
4 binary 0 - 23 hour
5 binary 0 - 59 minute
6 binary 0 - 59 second
7 binary 0 - 100 centisecond
Note: This log does not record records during Test Mode.
An additional piece of information is contained in the centisecond byte. The most significant bit
indicates whether this DO record is contiguous in monitoring with the previous record. If the bit is
1, then this is the first record recorded after a power-down, reset or download, and all unfinished
relay interactions prior to this record are lost. If the bit is zero, then monitoring was continuous
between the last record and this one.
·The next byte indicates the stage, or reason, for the record. The stages are as follows:
0x001 Stage 1 ElectroLogic or communication command now desires to change the state of one
or more relays.
0x002 Stage 2 Command is being transmitted to an (one) external relay.
0x003 Stage 3 Confirmation has been received from a command that was sent.
·The next 2 bytes indicate whether information about a relay is valid or not. Modules which are
unused, or which are not responding to communication, are not valid. The bytes are formatted
as follows: