printer features 2-2 printer installation 1-1 printer processing data
light message 2-6 printer ready
light message 2-6 printer service
after warranty period 6-4 during warranty period 6-4
printer settings
changing in DOS from RCP 2-18 changing in Macintosh drivers 2-19 changing in Windows 3.1 & 3.11 2-15 changing in Windows 95 2-15
printer software definitions 2-14
printer warm up light message 2-6
printer warranty 6-2 exclusions 6-2 limitations 6-3
canceling print job 3-8 double sided 3-10 draft copies 4-4 duplexing 3-10 economically 4-3 envelopes 3-12 forms 3-11
infrared port, with 3-17 labels 3-13 letterhead 3-11
multiple pages on a sheet 4-3 postcards 3-15
preparing for 3-2 stopping print job 3-8 test pages 2-9 transparencies 3-14 with EconoMode 4-4
printing problems troubleshooting 5-15
problem solving checklist 5-10 processing data state 2-6 purchasing paper 3-2
ready light location 2-4
ready state 2-6 rear output tray location 1-3 opening 3-4
uses 3-4 recoverable error 5-12 recycling
toner cartridge 4-6 reducing paper curl 3-4 regulatory information A-2 Remote Control Panel
accessing 2-18 installing 1-17
removing internal packaging 1-5 repacking printer 6-5
Resolution Enhancement technology description 4-2
REt block example 2-10
REt setting description 4-2
sales offices Hewlett-Packard 6-8
alternate PPD 5-20 printer cable and port 1-8
serial number location 1-3
service error data error 5-14
service information form 6-6 service offices
Hewlett-Packard 6-8 setting up the printer 1-1 shipping retainers
location 1-5
SIMM error 5-12 SIMM installation D-2 SIMM installation door
location 1-2 software
definitions 2-14 installing 1-13 product license 6-7
space requirements for printer 1-4 specifications
card stock B-9 electrical A-1 envelopes B-7 environmental A-1 labels B-5 media B-1 - B-10 media sizes B-2 paper B-3 printer A-1 - A-6 transparencies B-6
status messages front panel 2-7 top panel 2-6
stopping a print job 3-8 storing a toner cartridge 4-6 straight paper path 3-4 subtray
Tray 2 3-6 supplementary documentation
ordering 2-21 switch box
guidelines 2-14
temporary connection break data error 5-13
temporary error data error 5-14