2-sided printing 3-10
3-hole paper orientation
see “Letterhead Orientation” 3-11 3x5 cards
printing 3-15
accessories 2-20 acoustic emissions A-1
adding a PostScript SIMM D-1 - D-4 adding memory SIMMs D-1 - D-4 addresses
Hewlett-Packard 6-8 adhesive labels
specifications B-5 attaching
LocalTalk cable 1-11 Macintosh serial cable 1-11 parallel cable 1-10
power cord 1-12 printer cables 1-8
background shading on page print quality problems 5-9
buttons 2-5 buying paper 3-2
C cables
ordering 2-20
selecting and attaching 1-8 calling for help 6-8 canceling a print job 3-8 card stock
guidelines B-9 specifications B-9
characters improperly formed print quality problem 5-9
solving problems 5-18 cleaners
using on printer 4-7 cleaning
internal mirror 4-8 cleaning brush 4-8 clearing paper jams 5-2 continuable error
data error 5-14 custom sized paper 3-15
data error
continuable error 5-14 IO error 5-13 memory overflow 5-13 NVRAM Error 5-14 print overrun 5-13 service error 5-14
temporary connection break 5-13 temporary error 5-14
data error messages 5-13 data light
location 2-4
declaration of conformity A-6 density
of print on page 4-2 distorted printing
troubleshooting 5-15 documentation, supplementary
ordering 2-21
installing printing software 1-17 DOS Remote Control Panel
accessing 2-18 installing 1-17
draft quality printing 4-4 dropout
print quality problem 5-8 duplex printing 3-10
economical printing 4-3 EconoMode 4-4 electrical
specifications A-1 energy savings 2-3 ENERGYSTAR compliance A-4 enhancing printer resolution 4-2 envelopes
guidelines B-7 orientation 3-12 printing on 3-12 specifications B-7 storing B-8
environmental specifications A-1 error
data 5-13 fatal 5-12 recoverable 5-12 SIMM related 5-12
error light location 2-4
error messages 5-12 escape sequences E-1 extending toner life 4-4
fatal error 5-12 FCC regulations A-2 Finnish laser statement A-5 font problems
troubleshooting 5-16 form feed
light message 2-6 forms
printing on 3-11