Product feature which enables the HAFM server to automatically contact a support center and report system problems. The support center server accepts calls from the HAFM server, logs reported events, and can notify one or more support center representatives.
channel path
A single interface between a central processor and one or more control units along which signals and data can be sent to perform I/O requests.
channel path identifier
In a channel subsystem, a value assigned to each installed channel path of the system that uniquely identifies that path to the system.
channel wrap test
A diagnostic procedure that checks
class of Fibre Channel service
Defines the level of connection dedication, acknowledgment, and other characteristics of a connection.
Class F Fibre Channel service
Used by switches to communicate across interswitch links (ISLs) to configure, control, and coordinate a
Class 2 Fibre Channel service
Provides a connectionless (not dedicated) service with notification of delivery or nondelivery between two N_Ports.
Class 3 Fibre Channel service
Provides a connectionless (not dedicated) service without notification of delivery or nondelivery between two N_Ports. Also known as datagram.
community profile
Information that specifies which management objects are available to what management domain or SNMP community name.
concurrent maintenance
Ability to perform maintenance tasks, such as removal or replacement of
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