SNMP community
Also known as SNMP community string. SNMP community is a cluster of managed products (in SNMP terminology, hosts) to which the server or managed product running the SNMP agent belongs.
SNMP community name
The name assigned to a given SNMP community. Queries from an SNMP management station to a device running an SNMP agent will only elicit a response if those queries are addressed with the correct SNMP community name.
See system services processor.
storage area network
subnet mask
Used by a computer to determine whether another computer with which it needs to communicate is located on a local or remote network. The network mask depends upon the class of networks to which the computer is connecting. The mask indicates which digits to look at in a longer network address and allows the router to avoid handling the entire address.
Changing a backup FRU to the Active state, and the active FRU to the Backup state.
switch priority
Value configured into each switch in a fabric that determines its relative likelihood of becoming the fabric’s principal switch.
system services processor
Controls the
Logical and/or physical arrangement of stations on a network.
Unsolicited notification of an event originating from a SNMP managed device and directed to an SNMP network management station.
trap host
SNMP management workstation that is configured to receive traps.
trunk cable
Cable consisting of multiple fiber pairs that do not directly attach to an active device. This cable usually exists between distribution panels. Contrast with jumper cable.
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