Fibre Channel fabric created by linking more than one director or fabric switching device within a fabric.
name server
Program that translates names from one form into another. Domain name servers (DNS) translate domain names into IP addresses.
name server zoning
N_Port access management that allows N_Ports to communicate if and only if they belong to a common name server zone.
network address
Name or address that identifies a managed product on a TCP/IP network. The network address can be either an IP address in
Alternate name assigned to a world wide name for a node or director in the fabric.
In Fibre Channel terminology, node refers to an end device (server or storage device) that is or can be connected to a switched fabric.
node port
Physical interface within an end device which can connect to an F_Port on a switched fabric or directly to another N_Port (in
Ability to service FRUs (including maintenance, installation, removal and replacement) while normal operations continue without interruption. See also concurrent maintenance.
See node port.
offline sequence
Sequence sent by the transmitting port to indicate that it is attempting to initialize a link and has detected a problem in doing so.
See offline sequence.
operating state (Director)
The operating states are described as follows:
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