Installing and Configuring the Edge Switch 2/32
Verify the type of LAN installation with the customer’s network administrator. If one switch is installed on a dedicated LAN, network addresses do not require change.
If multiple switches are installed or a public LAN segment is used, network addresses must be changed to conform to the customer’s LAN addressing scheme. The following tools are required:
•A maintenance terminal (desktop or notebook PC) with:
—The Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Millennium Edition operating system installed.
Note that the HAFM server may be used for this function and that HyperTerminal is included in Windows 2000 provided in the HAFM server as a windows 2000 application.
•An asynchronous
Perform the following steps to change a switch’s IP address, subnet mask, or gateway address:
1.Remove the protective metal plate from the
2.Connect the other cable end to a
3.Power on the maintenance terminal. After the PC powers on, the Windows desktop displays. Refer to operating instructions shipped with the PC.
NOTE: Steps
4.Choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications >HyperTerminal. The Connection Description dialog box displays, as shown in Figure
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