Installing and Configuring the Edge Switch 2/32
c.Click the Rerouting Delay check box to enable or disable the option. If a check mark displays, the option is enabled. If rerouting delay is enabled, traffic is delayed through a fabric by the specified E_D_TOV time. This delay ensures Fibre Channel frames are delivered to their destination in order, even if a change to the fabric topology creates a new (shorter) transmission path.
d.Domain RSCNs: Domain register for state change notifications (domain RSCNs) are sent between end devices in a fabric to provide additional connection information to host bus adapters (HBA) and storage devices. As an example, this information might be that a logical path has been broken because of a physical event, such as a fiber optic cable being disconnected from a port. Consult with your HBA and storage device vendor to determine if enabling Domain RSCNs will cause problems with your HBA or storage products. Note that this option is required if High Availability Fabric Manager (HAFM) is enabled.
5.Click Activate to save the information. The message Your changes to the operating parameters configuration have been successfully activated displays.
Set Fabric Parameters
The switch must be set offline to configure fabric parameters. To configure the parameters:
1.Set the switch offline as follows:
a.At the View panel, select Operations at the left side of the panel. The Operations panel opens with the Switch Beacon page displayed.
b.At the Current State window, click Set Offline. The message Your operations changes have been successfully activated displays.
2.At the View panel, select Configure at the left side of the panel. The Configure panel opens with the Ports page displayed.
3.At the Configure panel, click the Switch tab, then select Fabric Parameters. The Switch page displays with Fabric Parameters.
4.Set the fabric parameters:
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