Appendix A: Glossary
hash A number generated by running a string of text through an algorithm. The hash is substantially smaller than the text itself and is unique, because algorithms transform data in such a way that it is extremely unlikely that some other text will produce the same hash value. The hash is also irreversible: the encryption cannot be reversed to obtain the original text.
IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. An organization whose purpose is to assign IP addresses, manage DNS root zones, and make other IP assignments.
IAS Internet Authentication Services. The Microsoft implementation of RADIUS.
IDM Identity Driven Manager. A ProCurve Networking application that provides management of
IE Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser.
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol. A protocol that is used to manage IP multicast groups. It is often used for online video and gaming.
IKE Internet Key Exchange. A protocol that is used to set up a security association in the IPsec protocol suite.
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity. A unique number that is stored in
aSIM and is used by GSM and UMTS mobile telephones. The number helps locate the phone and acquire other information.
inline deployment The NAC 800 is placed between a “choke point” and the rest of the network method such that all traffic to be quarantined passes through the NAC 800. See also
inline quarantine method.
inline quarantine A quarantine method that relies on the NAC 800’s placement in the network. method The NAC 800 functions as a Layer 2 bridge that imposes a firewall between its
Ethernet port 1 and port 2. Only traffic from endpoints whose integrity posture is “Healthy” or